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国家海上油气应急救援海南队装备购置项目水下井口溢油回收设备采购 Procurement of Freestanding riser system 【 字号:大 中 小 】 【我要】【】 国家海上油气应急救援海南队装备购置项目水下井口溢油回收设备采购 Procurement of Freestanding riser system for the National Offshore Oil and Gas Emergency Rescue Hainan Team Equipment Procurement Project 基本信息 项目名称 中海石油(中国)***水下井口溢油回收设备采购 工程项目名称 中海石油(中国)***水下井口溢油回收设备采购 项目概况 水下井口溢油回收设备用于海上石油钻井平台发生井喷失控事故时的水下井口溢油回收,主要作用是建立一条水下至水面的溢油回***道。水下井口溢油回收设备的关键组件包括水下立管、水下管汇、张力浮筒、吸力锚。Project Summary:Freestanding riser system is used for the recovery of oil spills from offshore oil drilling platforms in the event of uncontrolled blowout accidents. Its main function is to establish an underwater oil spill recovery channel to the water surface. Freestanding riser system includes critical component such as freestanding riser, underwater manifold, suction anchor,tension float tanks. 项目所在地 ***省 资金来源 企业自筹 资金落实情况 已落实。Source of Funds: yes 是否允许联合体投标 否 异议投诉,配置表单隐藏之后不需要展示 异议投诉 申请人和其他利害关系人认为本次资格预审活动违反法律、法规和规章规定的,有权向有关行政监督部门投诉。 If the applicant and other interested parties believe that this pre-qualification activity violates the provisions of laws, regulations and rules, they have the right to complain to the relevant administrative supervision department. 发布媒介 ***采办业务管理与交易系统,中国招投标公共服务平台,***供应链数字化平台 标段信息 标段内容循环开始 1. 中海石油(中国)***水下井口溢油回收设备采购 标段 标段(包)编号***08/01 发标日期 ******月***日 主要技术规格,预审公告不需要显示 交货期/服务期/完工期 合同签订生效后不超过12个月 Not exceeding 12 months after the contract is signed and takes effect 交货数量 预估数量:1套,详细供货范围见第五章技术要求; Purchase quantity:1 set.Detailed supply scope can be found in Chapter 5 Technical Requirements. 招标范围 出资比例 生产能力 资格要求 (1)营业执照:A.***,申请人需提供合法有效的企业法人营业执照、税务登记证及组织机构***;B.***,***登记注册证明;A.The applicant within the customs territory shall provide valid independent legal person business license, tax registration certificate, organization code certificate, or combined certificate and business license; B. The applicant outside the customs territory shall provide valid certificate to prove valid business registration certificate.(2)联合体资格申请:不接受,联合体投标申请将被否决;Joint Venture: Not Accepted .(3)如果申请人为代理商,申请人应得到所投货物制造商同意其为本次投标提供该货物的合法正式授权书。If the applicant is an agent, applicant shall obtain the legal and formal authorization letter from the manufacturer of the goods to provide the goods for this bidding.(4)财务状况:资格预审申请人须提供经会计师事务所或审计机构***2020-***度财务会计报表,包括资产负债表、现金流量表、利润表。申请人的成立时间少于规定年份的,应提供成立以来至***(含***)的财务会计报表。***的,应提供上级法人单位******2020-***度财务会计报表。The pre qualification applicant must provide the financial and accounting statements for the years 2020-2022 audited by an accounting firm or auditing agency, including the balance sheet, cash flow statement, and income statement. If the applicant"s establishment time is less than the specified year, they should provide financial and accounting statements since their establishment to 2022. If the applicant is a branch, they shall provide the annual financial and accounting statements audited by an accounting firm or auditing agency of the superior legal entity.(5)资格预审申请人至少满足如下财务指标:a. ***资产负债率不高于100%;b.2020-***平均营业利润为正;The pre qualification applicant shall meet at least indicators as follows: a. The asset liability ratio in 2022 shall not exceed 100%; b. The average operating profit from 2020 to 2022 is positive;(6)资格审查有效期:自资格审查申请文件递交截止之日起120个日历日;Qualification review validity period: 120 calendar days from the deadline for submitting qualification review application documents;(7)业绩要求Requirement for applicant"s reference:******月***日至投标截止日(以合同签署时间为准),申请人所投水下立管或水下管汇或吸力锚或张力浮筒的制造商应具有至少1套(水下立管、水下管汇、吸力锚、张力浮筒四项设备任一项即可)的供货业绩。申请人须按规定格式提交业绩表,并提交相关业绩证明文件。业绩证明文件包括但不限于:1)销售合同复印件和2)到货验收材料。申请人所提交的业绩证明文件必须至少体现以下内容:合同签署时间、合同签署页(应有双方盖章)、制造商名称、货物名称、货物数量、到货验收材料。未提交业绩证明文件,或所提供的业绩证明文件无法体现满足上述业绩要求的,均视为无效业绩。From January 1, 2019 to the bidding deadline (based on the date of contract signing), the manufacturer of the freestanding riser, underwater manifold, suction anchor or tension float tanks that the applicant tenders in should have at least one set of supply performance(Any one of the freestanding riser, underwater manifold, suction anchor ,tension float tanks, is sufficient). Applicants are required to submit performance forms in the prescribed format and relevant performance certification documents. Performance certification documents include but are not limited to: 1) copies of sales contracts and 2) materials for acceptance upon arrival.The performance certification documents submitted by the applicant must at least reflect the following contents: contract signing time, contract signing page (with both parties" seals), manufacturer"s name, goods name, quantity of goods and arrival acceptance materials. Failure to submit performance proof documents, or failure to reflect the above performance requirements in the provided performance proof documents, shall be deemed as invalid performance.(8)保留对申请人进行现场考察的权利在公开资格预审阶段进行评审,保留对申请人进行现场考察的权利,考察内容不限于:资格要求、履约能力、质量保证能力等,考察不合格的申请人将被否决。We reserve the right to conduct on-site inspections of applicants during the public qualification pre review stage. We also reserve the right to conduct on-site inspections of applicants, which are not limited to qualification requirements, performance capabilities, quality assurance capabilities, etc. Applicants who fail the inspections will be rejected. 招标文件*** ******月***日 至 ******月***日 招标文件*** ***采办业务管理与交易系统(http***om.cn)的招标公告页面进行购买。首次登录必须先进行注册(免费),注册成功后,方可购买招标文件。购买过程必须全程在线操作,线下形式的汇款将不予接受。标书费支付成功后,投标人可自行下载招标文件。售后不退。如未在系统中领购招标文件,不可参加投标。The interested Bidders may obtain the bidding document by following method: Please login at CNOOC Procurement Operation System (http***om.cn) on the page of Invitation for bid for purchasing Bidding Document(Please refer to the system homepage for the purchase process details).The purchase process must be operated throughout the system, and offline remittances will not be accepted. After successful payment of the bidding fee, the applicant can download the bidding documents from the system on their own. If the bidding documents have not been obtained in the system, one cannot participate in bidding.The price of each set of bidding documents is RMB200 , and it is non refundable after sales. 招标文件*****元 投标文件递交截止时间*** ******月***日 ***时***分 投标地点 ***采办业务管理与交易系统。 CNOOC Procurement Operation System 。 投标文件递交方法 所有的投标文件必须在投标文件递交截止时间***。Document submission method: Applicants should go through the CNOOC Procurement Operation System ( http***om.cn )before the deadline for submitting the prequalification application documents. 开标时间 ******月***日 ***时***分 开标地点 中国海油供应链数字化平台 特殊说明 申请人必须使用系统提供的资格预审申请文件制作软件(系统>下***区)导入资格预审文件(如有资格预审文件澄清,须重新导入最后一次澄清文件)后编制资格预审申请文件。相关操作详见《中国海油供应链数字化平台_采购管理_供应商投标操作手册》(系统>下***区)。超过资格预审申请文件递交截止时间***,系统将予以拒收。Special note: Applicants must use the pre qualification application document creation software provided by the system (system homepage>download section) to import the pre qualification documents (if there is a clarification of the prequalification documents, the last clarification document must be re imported) and then prepare the pre qualification application documents. Please refer to the "CNOOC Supply Chain Digital Platform Procurement Management Supplier Bidding Operation Manual" (system homepage>download section) for relevant operations. If the pre qualification application documents are delivered beyond the deadline for submission, the system will reject them.中国海油严厉打击串通投标、弄虚作假等违法违规行为,每个招标项目均对投标人的文件制作机器码、文件创建标识码和投标电脑MAC地址、IP地址、投标文件内容进行查验。请各投标人高度重视投标工作,在本单位***、使用办公IP下载招标文件***、上传投标文件。 出现不同投标人的“文件制作机器码、文件创建标识码和投标电脑M 标段内容循环结束 联系方式 招标人:中海石油(中国)*** 地 址: 联 系 人:张珂 电子邮箱:zhangke1@cnooc.com.cn 邮 编: 联系电话:***0993 异议处理人,投诉处理人,根据配置显示 异议受理人:敖凤鸣 异议受理人联系电话:***962 投诉受理人邮箱(投诉受理专用): 投诉受理人:朱琛 投诉受理人联系电话: 代理人信息,自行招标不需要显示 招标代理机构:*** 地 址:***市***区东直门***街6号海油大厦4层 联 系 人:敖凤鸣 电子邮箱:aofm@cnooc.com.cn 邮 编:100027 联系电话:***962 相关附件下载 中海石油(中国)***水下井口溢油回收设备采购-合格制.pdf(点击查看) 供应商须知(点击查看) 购买标书 提示:如已注册,请直接点击“购买标书”,如未注册,请先点击并完成供应商 注册 endprint1


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