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招标公告 Tender Notice 马来西亚巴生西港CT10-CT13泊位疏浚及吹填项目 CT10-CT13 Berth Dredging and Reclamation Project in West Port, Klang, Malaysia 塑料排水板材料采购招标公告 Tender Announcement for Procurement of PVD Material 1.招标条件 1. Tender conditions 本次招标参与项目马来西亚巴生西港CT10-CT13泊位疏浚及吹填项目已批准建设,建设资金已落实,塑料排水板材料采购已具备招标条件,招标人为中国交通建设(马来西亚)***。 The dredging and reclamation project for CT10-CT13 berth in West Port, Klang , Malaysia has been approved for construction. The construction funds have been secured, and the procurement of PVD Material meets the tender conditions. The Employer is China Communications Construction Company (M) SDN BHD. 2.项目概况与招标内容 2. Project Overview and Tender Content 2.1 项目概况: 2.1 Project Overview: 工程地址******区,距离首都吉隆坡约60公里,项目主要包括疏浚、吹填、地基处理以及护岸等,本工程涵盖CT10-CT13泊位疏浚及吹填,交地标高+8.0m CD。当地平均潮高、水深等数据需投标人自行前往项目所在地了解,所有费用自理。 The project is located in the Port Klang Free Trade Zone, Selangor, Malaysia, about 60 kilometers away from the capital Kuala Lumpur. The project mainly includes dredging, reclamation, soil improvement, and revetment. This project covers the dredging and reclamation of CT10-CT13 berth, with a required handover elevation of+8.0m CD. Local average tide height, water depth and other data need to be obtained by the tenderers themselves by visiting the project location, and all costs are borne by the tenderers. 2.2招标内容: 2.2 Tender Content: 本次招标内容为马来西亚巴生西港CT10-CT13泊位疏浚及吹填项目塑料排水板材料采购,详细数量、具体规格详见招标文件***“招标需求一览表”及第六章“技术规格要求”。本次招标共分为2个包件,可兼投、不可兼中。 The tender content is the procurement of PVD Material for the dredging and reclamation project of CT10-CT13 berths in West Port, Klang , Malaysia. For detailed quantities and specifications, please refer to Chapter 5 "Tender Requirements List" and Chapter 6 "Technical Specification Requirements" of the tender documents. This tender is divided into 2 packages, which can be bid simultaneously but cannot win the tender simultaneously. 3.投标人资格要求 3. Qualification requirements for tenderers 3.1 投标人资格条件要求: 3.1 Qualification requirements for tenderers: 3.1.1 通用资格要求 3.1.1 General qualification requirements 1、营业范围要求:依法注册,具有独立法人资格、具有招标物资生产或供应经验的企业,并且具有合法、有效的营业执照。 1. Business scope requirements: Enterprises that are registered in accordance with the law, have independent legal personality, have experience in the production or supply of tender materials, and have a legal and valid business license. 2、财务能力要求:投标人必须是经税务部门注册登记核准的一般纳税人,有依法纳税的良好记录。 2. Financial capability requirement: The tenderers must be a general taxpayer registered and approved by the tax department, with a good record of paying taxes in accordance with the law. 3、其他要求:本次招标不接受被中国交通建设(马来西亚)***及其上级单位***。 3. Other requirements: This tender does not accept suppliers listed on the restricted trading blacklist by China Communications Construction Company (M) SDN BHD. and its superior units. 3.2 本次招标不接受联合体投标。 3.2 This tender does not accept consortium tender. 3.3 本次招标采用经评审的合理低价***3 This tender adopts the Reasonably Low Price Method after Review for evaluation. 3.4 单位***、管理关系的不同单位,不得同时参加本项目投标,否则相关投标文件均视为无效。 3.4 If the legal representative of a company is the same person or if there is a controlling or management relationship between different companies, they shall not participate in the tender of this project at the same time, otherwise the relevant tender documents shall be deemed invalid. 3.5 投标人应遵守有关国家法律、法令和相关条例。 3.5 Tenderers shall comply with relevant national laws, regulations, and related rules. 4、供应商合规条款 4. Supplier Compliance Terms 出口管制合规。投标人承诺在本项目中拟提供给招标人的产品不受美国《出口管理条例》及美国其他相关出口管制规定的管制。招标人从投标人获取产品的行为不会违反美国出口管制的相关规定。 Export compliance control. The tenderers promises that the products to be provided to the Employer in this project are not subject to the control of the US Export Administration Regulations and other relevant export control regulations. The act of the Employer obtaining products from tenderers will not violate the relevant regulations of US export controls. 5.招标文件*** 5. Obtaining the tender documents 5.1 招标文件*********月***日***时***分至******月***日***时***分。 5.1 The tender documents CAN be DOWNLOADed from 9:00 am on September 21, 2024 to 9:00 am on September 26, 2024. 5.2招标文件***:线上领取,中交集团供应链管理信息系统(网址:http***n/PMS),由投标人自行下载。 5.2 Tender Document Download: Online, Supply Chain Management System of CCCC (URL: http***n/PMS )The tenderers shall download it themselves. 注意:投标单位***(ec.ccccltd.cn)上注册,并审核通过纳入CCCC Shanghai Dredging Co.,Ltd供应商名录后方可参与投标。已注册供应商应添加CCCC Shanghai Dredging Co.,Ltd为合作意向单位,并提交审核。供应商注册成功或邀请之后请点击招标公告下方的参与按钮方可进入售标阶段,否则无法下载招标文件***。 Attention: Tenderers need to register on the Supply Chain Management System of CCCC (ec. cccltd. cn) and be approved for inclusion in the CCCC Shanghai Dredging Co., Ltd supplier list before they can participate in tender. Registered suppliers should select CCCC Shanghai Dredging Co., Ltd to be purposed cooperation company and submit for approval. After successful registration or invitation of suppliers, please click the participate button below the tender announcement to enter the tender stage. Otherwise, the tender documents cannot be downloaded and this bid is invalid. 6.投标文件的递交 6. Submission of tender documents 6.1 递交投标文件截止时间***。本次招标采用线上投标,投标人需在投标截止日期前完成线上投标。 The deadline for submitting tender documents is 9:00 am on October 11, 2024. This tender will be online, and tenderers need to complete online tender before the deadline. 6.2 逾期未递交的投标文件,招标人不予受理。 6.2 Tenders that are not submitted within the deadline will not be accepted by the Employer. 7.联系方式 7. Contact Information 招标组织方:中国交通建设(马来西亚)***/马来西亚巴生西港CT10-CT13泊位疏浚及吹填项目项目经理部 Tender organizer: China Communications Construction Company (M) SDN BHD./Project Management Department of CT10-CT13 Berth Dredging and reclamation Project in West Port Klang, Malaysia 地址:No.10, Jalan Impian 9b, Bandar Botanik, 41200 Pelabuhan Klang, Selangor, Malaysia(马来西亚巴生西港CT10-CT13泊位疏浚及吹填项目项目经理部) Address: No.10, Jalan Impian 9b, Bandar Botanik, 41200 Pelabuhan Klang, Selangor, Malaysia (Project Management Department for Dredging and Filling of CT10-CT13 Berths at Port Klang West, Malaysia) 邮编:41200 联系人:*** Postal code: 41200 Contact person: Peng Yixiao 电话:_+***928_邮箱:CCCC_WP_PROJECT@cccc.com.my Phone: _+***928_ Email: CCCC_WP_PROJECT@cccc.com.my 招标文件***:***_ 电话:+***928 Clarification of tender documents - Contact person: Peng Yixiao Phone:+***928



