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发布时间 2024-12-10 截止日期 立即查看
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***离退休人员***蛋糕采购项目竞争性谈判采购公告 发布者: [发表时间]:2024-12-10 [来源]: [浏览次数]: 一、项目基本情况 1.采购编号***项目名称:***离退休人员***蛋糕采购项目 3.采购方式:竞争性谈判 4.预算及相关要求 note: we use this additional "contents" div so that we can easilyuse the polymer sugar this.$.contents to get the height of all thecontent inside the cell; which is then used in the flowing algorithms 序号 note: we use this additional "contents" div so that we can easilyuse the polymer sugar this.$.contents to get the height of all thecontent inside the cell; which is then used in the flowing algorithms 包号 note: we use this additional "contents" div so that we can easilyuse the polymer sugar this.$.contents to get the height of all thecontent inside the cell; which is then used in the flowing algorithms 包名称 note: we use this additional "contents" div so that we can easilyuse the polymer sugar this.$.contents to get the height of all thecontent inside the cell; which is then used in the flowing algorithms 总限价***we use this additional "contents" div so that we can easilyuse the polymer sugar this.$.contents to get the height of all thecontent inside the cell; which is then used in the flowing algorithms 单张提货卡面值 note: we use this additional "contents" div so that we can easilyuse the polymer sugar this.$.contents to get the height of all thecontent inside the cell; which is then used in the flowing algorithms 1 note: we use this additional "contents" div so that we can easilyuse the polymer sugar this.$.contents to get the height of all thecontent inside the cell; which is then used in the flowing algorithms 一 note: we use this additional "contents" div so that we can easilyuse the polymer sugar this.$.contents to get the height of all thecontent inside the cell; which is then used in the flowing algorithms ***离退休人员***蛋糕采购项目 note: we use this additional "contents" div so that we can easilyuse the polymer sugar this.$.contents to get the height of all thecontent inside the cell; which is then used in the flowing algorithms ***元 note: we use this additional "contents" div so that we can easilyuse the polymer sugar this.$.contents to get the height of all thecontent inside the cell; which is then used in the flowing algorithms 不***元 5. 采购需求 5.1供货单位******元的蛋糕提货卡,卡上注明可提货的各分店地址***; 5.2提货卡使用范围应覆盖供应商的所***市店,享受普通现金消费者的一切权利(如折扣商品等),无任何消费限制、无工本费用,允许分次使用,直到金额*** 5.3提货卡日期不得限制使用期限; 5.4采购人***元人均标准支付(以实际发放人数结算); 5.5根据采购方需求,供应商按采购方的要求制定供货交货; 5.6交货地点:采购人指定地点; 5.7供货商有供货服务保障,具体内容以双方签定合同为准; 5.8供货商***省营业直营网点不少于二十家,有营业执照、食品加工权限,各营业网点地址***; 6.供应商应保证所提供的食品必须是安全合格产品,因食品问题而发生的食物中毒等群体事故,由其承担经济赔偿责任及其他法律责任; 7.合同履行期限:一年 8.质量要求:符合国家或行业规定的标准,满足采购人提出的技术标准及要求; 9.项目包段划分:1个包段 10.是否接受联合体谈判:否 二、申请人资格要求 1.供应商必须是在中华人民共和国境内注册登记的法人、其它组织或者自然人,且应当符合《政府采购法》第二十二条第一款的规定; 2. 供应商具有有效的供应商为生产商的须具有有效的《食品生产许可证》;供应商为经销商的须具有有效的《食品经营许可证》; 3. 供应商不得存在以下不良信用记录情形之一: (1) 供应商被人民法院列入失信被执行人的; (2)供应***市场监督管理部门列入企业经营异常名录的; (3)供应商被税务部门列入重大税收违法案件当事人名单的; (4)供应商被政府采购监管部门列入政府采购严重违法失信行为记录名单的; 三、获取谈判采购文件 1.时间:******月***日 至 ******月***日***时***分(北京时间,法定节假日除外。) 2.方式: 本项目为远程报名。 3领取文件提供材料:报名登记表。发送至邮箱hyxmbgs@163.com,邮件中需要注明需要报名的项目名称、供应商名称、联系人姓名、联系方式及接收文件的邮箱地址,文件将以电子文件形式回复至供应商邮箱。 四、响应文件提交的截止和开启时间及地点 1.时间:******月***日***时***分(北京时间) 2.地点:***市郑***区郑***道132号***综合***楼(东***楼)319室,逾期采购人不予受理。 五、发布公告的媒介及谈判公告期限: 本次谈判公告在《***》网上发布。 公告期限为3个工作日。 六、凡对本次谈判提出询问,请按照以下方式联系 1.采购人名称:*** 地址:***市郑***区郑***道132号 联系人:*** 联系方式:*** 报名登记表 note: we use this additional "contents" div so that we can easilyuse the polymer sugar this.$.contents to get the height of all thecontent inside the cell; which is then used in the flowing algorithms 采购编号*** additional "contents" div so that we can easilyuse the polymer sugar this.$.contents to get the height of all thecontent inside the cell; which is then used in the flowing algorithms 公司名称(盖章) note: we use this additional "contents" div so that we can easilyuse the polymer sugar this.$.contents to get the height of all thecontent inside the cell; which is then used in the flowing algorithms 地 址 note: we use this additional "contents" div so that we can easilyuse the polymer sugar this.$.contents to get the height of all thecontent inside the cell; which is then used in the flowing algorithms 联系人 note: we use this additional "contents" div so that we can easilyuse the polymer sugar this.$.contents to get the height of all thecontent inside the cell; which is then used in the flowing algorithms 联系电话 note: we use this additional "contents" div so that we can easilyuse the polymer sugar this.$.contents to get the height of all thecontent inside the cell; which is then used in the flowing algorithms 日期
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