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发布时间 2025-02-14 截止日期 立即查看
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点击注册登录 印尼三宝垄项目部印尼当地采购2台丰田小汽车询价***nouncement of Inquiry for Local Procurement of 2 Toyota Cars by the Semarang Project Department in Indonesia 一、招标条件 本项目为 印尼三宝垄项目部新购2台车辆采购项目,本次采购采取公开询价***施。***(以下简称一航局),采购人为crbc-wika-pp jo。该项目资金来自印尼三宝垄项目部自有资金,出资比例为100%。该项目已具备询价***本次采购采用线上电子报价***于中交集团供应链系统(新版)供应商平台(http***/)完成。 This project is a procurement project for 2 new vehicles purchased by the Semerang Project Department in Indonesia. The procurement will be organized and implemented through open inquiry. The procurement organization is China Communications First Navigation Engineering Co., Ltd. (hereinafter referred to as the First Navigation Engineering Bureau), and the purchaser is crbc-wika-pp jo. The funding for this project comes from the self owned funds of the Semarang project department in Indonesia, with a contribution ratio of 100%. The project has met the conditions for inquiry and procurement. This procurement will be conducted through online electronic quotation, and the entire process will be carried out on the supplier platform of China Communications Construction Corporation"s supply chain system (new version)( http***/ )Completed. 二、项目名称******息 1. 招标内容Bidding content ***与WIKA、PP***,就下列设备及相关服务进行公开询价***称:丰田小汽车 数 量: 2台 CRBC-WIKA-PP JO. conducts Public Bidding for the following equipment and related services. Equipments: TOYOTA VELOZ Quantity: 2(two) Sets 序号 Number 设备名称 Name of equipment 设备参数需求 Equipment parameter requirements 数量 quantity 招标范围Scope of Bid 备注 Remarks 1 VELOZ 排量1.5L,CVT变速箱,7座 2 印度尼西亚境内供应商 Suppliers within Indonesia 2. 报价***equirements for Bidders 报价***25年 2 月 14 日起至投标截止期止,在中国交建供应链管理信息系统网上(网址:http***/)注册账户,并获取询价***idders can use the China Communications Construction Supply Chain Management Information System website (website:http***/ )Register an account and obtain the inquiry documents. 3. 询价***Procurement of inquiry documents 所有询价***025年 2 月 19 日下午18:***时(北京时间)之前,中交集团供应链系统(新版)供应商平台(http***/),点击线上报名,并下载电子询价***次标书不收费。 All of inquiry documents must be submitted on the website: (http***/ )at or before 18 p.m. (Beijing time) on feb 19 , 2025. There is no charge for this inquiry document. 4. 询价***formation of the inquirer 招标人:***路桥与WIKA、PP*** 地 址:3F2C+7RW, Jl. Terminal Terboyo, Trimulyo, Sayung, Kec. Sayung, Kabupaten Demak, Jawa Tengah 50118 联 系 人:崔先生 电 话:+***17715 电子邮箱:***1@qq.com Tenderer: CRBC-WIKA-PP JO. Address:3F2C+7RW, Jl. Terminal Terboyo, Trimulyo, Sayung, Kec. Sayung, Kabupaten Demak, Jawa Tengah 50118 Contact : Mr. Cui Tel: +***17715 E-mail: ***1@qq.com 5. 报价*** Submission of Quotation Documents 电子版报价***截止时间***(投标截止时间***,下同)为*** ***月 23 日10:***时,投标人应在截止时间***(新版)供应商平台(http***/)递交电子报价***期送达的电子版投标文件,电子招标投标交易平台将予以拒收。 The deadline for submitting electronic quotation documents (bidding deadline, the same below) is 10:00 am on Feb 23, 2025. Bidders should submit electronic bidding documents through the China Communications Group Supply Chain Management Information System (http***/) before the deadline. Electronic bidding documents that are overdue will be rejected by the electronic bidding and trading platform. 6. 开标及评标 Bid Opening (1)开标时间:与递交报价***间相同。 (2)评标原则:评标活动遵循公平、公正、科学的原则。各报价***牌型号、成交条件及详细配置要求满足采购人要求的前提下,采用最低价*** (3)评标地点:中交集团供应链系统(新版)供应商平台(http***/)线上。 (4)评标方式:成立询价***单位***,淘汰不满足采购人采购要求(车辆品牌型号、成交条件及详细配置要求)的报价***报价***文件,经询价***足询价***联关系后,选取报价***中标单位,并将结果通知所有参与询价*** (1) Bid opening time: Same as the deadline for submitting quotation documents. (2) Evaluation principle: The evaluation process follows the principles of fairness, impartiality, and scientificity. On the premise that the vehicle brand, model, transaction conditions, and detailed configuration requirements of each bidding unit meet the requirements of the purchaser, the principle of winning the bid at the lowest price shall be adopted. (3) Bid evaluation location: China Communications Construction Corporation Supply Chain System (New Version) Supplier Platform( http***/ )Online. (4) Bid evaluation method: Establish an inquiry team to review the documents of the bidding units and eliminate those that do not meet the procurement requirements of the purchaser (vehicle brand and model, transaction conditions, and detailed configuration requirements); After the quotation documents of the remaining quotation units have been reviewed by the inquiry team and meet the inquiry requirements without any correlation, the lowest quoted unit will be selected as the winning bidder, and the results will be notified to all suppliers participating in the inquiry. 7. 发布公告的媒介 Media for publishing announcements 本次采取中交集团供应链管理信息系统(网址:http***/)公开招标。 The supply chain management information system of China Communications Group (website: http***/ )Open bidding. 8. 招标文件***Description of bidding documents 本招标文件***,如有中英文冲突,以英文为准。 This bidding document is in English and Chinese. In case of any discrepancy, the English version will prevail. 附件列表 序号 附件名称 附件说明 操作 1 The Inquiry Documents- toyota veloz.doc 下载 预览 验证码 验证码 取消确定 物资信息 序号 设备物资名称 设备物资说明 数量 单位 1 乘用车 2 辆 验证码 验证码 取消确定 相关公告列表 序号 公告类型 公告名称 环节 发布时间 暂无数据 验证码 验证码 取消确定
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