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发布时间 2024-10-02 截止日期 立即查看
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内喷涂系统招标公告 发布日期:2024-10-02 招标编号***-854 招标编号*****(以下称招标机构)受越南宝钢制罐(顺化)***(以下称买方)委托,就其内喷涂系统所需的下列货物进行公开招标,邀请合格投标人进行网上电子投标。 标段编号***-854/04 标段名称:内喷涂系统 1.招标货物名称、数量、技术规格和资金 招标货物名称:内喷机 数量:7套 技术规格: (1)单台设备稳定运行速度不低于320CPM(基于204*330ml罐形)。 (2)选用DR 泵3套,二用一备。 (3)其他详见招标技术文件。 资金现汇项目 2. 交货地点***: 交货地点:胡志明港,越南 交货时间:中标通知书发出之日起8个月内具备卖方工厂交货条件。 3.*凡确认投标的投标人请登录中国国际招标网平台(http***ding.com),务必在开标前注册为其会员并通过年检以获得投标资格,中标情况将在中国国际招标网公示。 宝华智慧招标共享平台(http***idding.com)和中国招标投标公共服务平台(http***pubservice.com/)***的招标项目信息(邀请招标除外),有兴趣的投标人可以登录查看。登录后,投标人可在宝华智慧招标共享平台上购买招标文件***。 4. 购买招标文件***:******月***日起到******月***日止。 5. 招标平台使用费:招标文件***(电子版),若中文和英文版有冲突以中文版为准。 1,2***元人民币或20***元整。 招标文件***,投标人成功购标后,自行下载招标文件***。招标文件***。 6. 投标截止时间***:******月***日***时***分(北京时间)。投标人应于投标截止时间***投标文件。 7. 开标方式:一步法。 8. 开标地点:宝华智慧招标共享平台电子开标大厅。 9. *对投标人的资格要求: (1)未被国家企业信用信息公示系统(www***)列入严重违法失信企业名单; (2)未被“信用中国”网站(www***)列入失信被执行人名单; (3)投标人或投标设备制造商应具有与招标设备相当的同类设备的供货业绩,且业绩设备在两片罐生产线上有投运和正常运行业绩。 10. 本项目不接受联合体投标。 11.招标人相关信息: 招标人联系人:***(Zhujinghong) 招标人邮箱:qianglizhi@baosteel.com.vn 招标人电话:***751 12. 未领购招标文件***。 13. 客服热线:***60 (有关投标人CA办理事项的咨询) 传 真:*** 网上购标方法:具体操作方法详见宝华招标网“操作指南”。 项目经理:闫月 (有关商务、技术问题或招标文件***。) 电 话:*** 电子邮件:761605@baosteel.com 业务咨询: 招标机构***:***市***区***路550弄***楼 购标时人民币付款采用第三方支付,外币付款可以汇款到相应外币账户内 开户银行(外币):建行宝钢宝山支行 收 款 人:*** 账***元:*** Swift Code: PCBCCNBJSHX Inner can coating system Issue Date:2024-10-02 Tendering No:0721-2440A028-B25-854 Tendering No. (China International Bidding Website):***B2554 Shanghai Baohua International Tendering Co., Ltd.(Hereinafter referred to as Tendering Agency) is commissioned by Baosteel Can Making (Hue VietNam) Co., Ltd.(Hereinafter referred to as tenderer) on Open Tendering for the following goods required in Vietnam LK Project invites eligible bidders to online e-bidding. Bid section No:0721-2440A028-B25-854/04 Bid section Name:Vietnam LK Project 1. The name, quantity, technical specifications and fund sources of goods for tendering: The name:Inner can coating system (inner spray machine) Quantity:7set Technical specifications: (1)The stable running speed of a single equipment is not lower than 320 CPM (for 204*330ml can model). (2)Choose 3 sets of DR Pump, two use , one standby. (3)Other technical requirements are detailed in the technical section. Fund sources of goods:Cash items 2. Delivery time and place: Delivery time:Delivery at Seller"s factory within 8 months from the date of notice of award. Delivery place:Ho Chi Minh Port, Vietnam 3. *The bidders who have confirmed to participate the bid must log on China International Bidding Website (http***ding.com), and register. Please make sure you have registered and passed through the annual review before bidding. The awarding will be publicized on China International Bidding Website. Baohua E-bidding website (http***dding.com) and China Tendeing & Bidding Public Service Platform (http***pubservice.com) could also provide the information about tendering project of our company (except invitation of tendering), interested bidders may login to view relevant information. After login, the bidder could purchase tendering document and bid online. 4. Time for purchasing Tendering documents: Starting from:2024-10-02 to 2024-10-14 (Beijing time). 5. Sales prices of the tendering document: One complete set of Tendering Documents both in English and Chinese ( electronic version included). The Chinese language shall govern in case of any discrepancy between Chinese language and the English language.Sales price is 1,200.00CNYor200.00USD All tendering documents will be sold per bid package (or section). After purchasing the bid, the bidder can download the tendering document and the template of bidding document. The tendering documents sales are non-refundable. 6. Deadline for bid submission and Bid Opening Time:***(Beijing time). The bidder shall submit all bidding documents on Baohua tendering website before the bidding deadline. 7. Bid opening method :One-step of opening。 8. E-bid opening place:Bid opening hall on Baohua Intelligent Bidding Integrated Platform。 9. *Requirements of Bidder’s qualification: (1) Not included in the list of seriously illegal and dishonest enterprises by the national Enterprise Credit Information Publicity system (www***); (2) not included in the list of persons subject to enforcement for breach of trust by "Credit China" website (www***); (3)The bidder or the manufacturer of the bidding equipment should have the supply achievement of similar equipment comparable to the bidding equipment, and the achievement equipment has the commissioning and normal operation performance on the two-piece can production line. 10. This project consortium bidding is not accepted 11.Information about the tenderer: Tenderer contact:朱京洪(Zhujinghong) Tenderer"s mailbox:qianglizhi@baosteel.com.vn Tenderer telephone:***751 12. Tel:***60 (consulting for bidders CA affairs) Fax:*** Online tendering document purchase: please refer to "HELP" for details on Baohua tendering website. Bid manager:闫月(Yanyue) (contact project leader for commercial, technical problems of tendering project, or objections to tendering documents) Tel:*** E-mail:761605@baosteel.com Bussiness Consulting Tel: Bid agency address:No.8, 550 Long KeShan Road, Bao Shan District,Shanghai, China When purchasing the tendering document, the payment in RMB shall be made by the third party, and the payment in foreign currency can be remitted to the corresponding foreign currency account. Bank account:China Construction Bank, Baoshan Baosteel Branch Beneficiary:Shanghai Baohua International Tendering Co., Ltd. Account Number USD:*** Swift Code: PCBCCNBJSHX



