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发布时间 2025-01-26 截止日期 立即查看
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准东五彩湾80万吨/年煤制烯烃项目低温甲醇洗技术来源及工艺包公开招标招标公告 1.招标编号***IFB No. : SNZB-XJNH-D***40 ***准东五彩湾80万吨/年煤制烯烃项目低温甲醇洗技术来源及工艺包公开招标,***。 This bidding project is a public bidding for the technical source and process package of Rectisol unit of 800,000 tons / year coal-to-olefin project of Xinjiang Shandong-energy Chemical Co., Ltd. The tenderer and the owner are Xinjiang Shandong-energy Chemical Co., Ltd. 项目名称:***准东五彩湾80万吨/年煤制烯烃项目低温甲醇洗技术来源及工艺包 Project: Xinjiang Shandong-energy Chemical Co., Ltd. Zhundong Wucaiwan 800KTA Coal To Olefin Project Rectisol unit Technical Source and Process Package 2.投标人资格和业绩要求 Qualification and Achievement requirements for the bidder (1)投标人应来自中华人民共和国或与中华人民共和国有正常贸易往来的国家***区,具有完全知识产权的低温甲醇洗专利技术或获得专利许可授权的组织机构,具备承担招标项目的能力,包括相应的专业、技术资格和能力,拥有足够的资金、设备和其他物质设施,以及良好的管理能力和经验; Bidders shall come from the People"s Republic of China or have normal trade with the People"s Republic of China, with complete intellectual property rights of Rectisol patent technology or patent licensing organization, have the ability to undertake tender project, including the corresponding professional, technical qualifications and ability, have enough funds, equipment and other material facilities, and good management ability and experience; (2)没有处于被责令停产、停业或进入破产程序,且资产未被重组、接管和冻结,也未被司法机关采取财产保全或强制执行措施。 It has not been ordered to suspend production, suspend business or enter bankruptcy proceedings, and the assets have not been restructured, taken over, or frozen, nor has it been taken property preservation or compulsory execution measures by the judicial organs. (3)没有处于行政主管部门或山东能源集团系统内单位***。 It is not within the penalty period of bidding prohibiting confirmed by the relevant documents of the administrative department or the Shandong Energy Group system. (4)近十年没有骗取中标或严重违约,没有经有关部门认定的因投标人引起的重大质量或安全事故。未被人民法院纳入“失信被执行人”名单或其有关信息已从失信被执行人名单库中删除。 In the past ten years, it has not cheated on bid winning or serious breach of contract, and no major quality or safety accident caused by the bidder identified by the relevant departments. It has not been included in the list of persons subject to enforcement for trust-breaking by the people"s court or its relevant information has been deleted from the list of persons subject to enforcement for trust-breaking. (5)资质等级要求:投标人须为依法注册的独立法人或其他组织,须提供有效的证明文件,具备增值税一般纳税人资格;企业注册证明(境外投标人);代理商投标须提供制造商针对本次投标产品的授权书(原件)。 Qualification level requirements: the bidder shall be an independent legal person or other organization registered according to law, and shall provide valid certification documents and have the qualification of general VAT taxpayer; enterprise registration certificate (overseas bidder); and the agent shall provide the manufacturer (the original) for bidding. (6)投标人开户银行在开标日前三个月内开具的资信证明的原件或该原件的复印件(由投标人代表签字或盖章)。 The Bidder shall provide the bank reference letter issued within three months prior to the date of bid opening in original or its copy (The signature or sealing by the respective of bidders is needed). (7)提供******月***日至******月***日的经会计师事务所或审计机构***,***、***(或科研院所),***授权文件,提供资产负债表、现金流量表、利润表的复印件,加盖投标人公章。 Provide on January 1,2021 to December 31,2023 by the accounting firms or audit financial statements, if the bidder is co., LTD., co. (or scientific research institutes), shall provide authorization documents, provide balance sheet, cash flow statement, income statement copy, build official seal of the bidder. (8)法律、行政法规规定的其他条件。 Other conditions required by law or regulations. (9)投标人自******月***日(合同签订时间)起至投标截止之日止须同时具有以下的业绩:至少具有低温甲醇洗装置单系列原料气处理能力不小于80万Nm3/h(100%工况下,干气)已投运1年或以上业绩一项。投标人须提供能证明本次招标业绩要求的合同和对应的用户证明扫描件,合同扫描件须至少包含:合同买卖双方盖章页、合同签订时间和业绩要求中的关键信息页;用户证明须由最终用户盖章,可以是验收证明、使用证明、回访记录或其他能证明合同标的物从投运时间至投标截止日满1年及以上的材料(若合同甲方不是最终用户,合同甲方获取的最终用户证明也可)。 The bidder shall also have the following achievements from January 1,2014 (contract signing time) to the deadline of bidding: at least the single series raw gas treatment capacity of Rectisol unit is not less than 800,000 Nm3/h (100% dry gas) has been put into operation for 1 year or more. The bidder shall provide the scanned copy of the contract to prove the performance of the tender and the corresponding user certificate shall include at least: the seal page of the contract, the certificate of the end user, either the acceptance certificate, use certificate, or return visit record or other materials that can prove the contract from the delivery time to the deadline of the bid (if Party A is not the end user, the end user certificate obtained by Party A is also available). 3.招标文件*** 招标文件***:******月***日至******月***日每天(节假日除外)8:***时至17:***时(北京时间)。 Procurement time of bidding documents: from January 26, 2025 to February 12, 2025, every day (excluding holidays) from 8:30 to 17:00 (Beijing time) 获取招标文件***: 购买文件(报名)时务必提供:(1)投标单位***(见公告附件);(2)标书费汇款底单,投标申请人将上述资料发送至本公告指定代理机构***(snzb@vip.126.com);***收到报名资料经核实后将尽快发送电子版招标文件。 招标文件******元人民币***元,售后不退。 4.所有投标书应于******月***日北京时间9:***时之前以电子投标文件(储存至U盘)***。 All bids should be submitted to Shandong Energy Tendering Co., Ltd. in electronic format (stored in USB flash drive) before 9:00 am Beijing time on February 21, 2025. 5.兹定于******月***日上午9:***时(北京时间),***公开开标。 We hereby schedule a public bid opening at Shandong Energy Tendering Co., Ltd. on February 21 2025 at 9:00 am (Beijing time) . 6. 投标人在投标前需在中国矿用物资网(www***)注册。评标结果将在在中国矿用物资网公示。 Bidders should register with the China mineral supplies network (www*** ) before bidding. The results of the evaluation will be published in the China Mining Materials Network. 7. 招标机构:*** Tendering Agent:Shandong Energy Tendering Co., LTD 详细地址:***市***路10777号山东能源大厦1203室 Detailed address:Room 1203, Shandong Energy Building, No.10777 Jingshi Road, Jinan City 邮 编:250014 Post Code:250014 联 系 人:张经理 Contact person:Manager Zhang 电 话:*** TEL No.:*** 电子信箱:snzb@vip.126.com E-mail:snzb@vip.126.com 8. 汇款方式: Remittance method: 账户名称:*** Account Name: Shandong Energy Tendering Co., Ltd 人民币开户银行:***济南分行营业部 Account Name: Ping An Bank Co., Ltd., Jinan Branch Business Department 行号:***4610 Bank number***(标书费)人民币账号:***(Bid fee)RMB account number***(投标保证金)人民币账号:***(tender bond)RMB account number***外币开户银行:***济南分行 Foreign currency account opening bank: Jinan Branch of Agricultural Bank of China Limited***元)账号:*** Foreign currency (USD) account number: ******元)账户:*** Foreign currency (Euro) account: *** 汇款附言:Remittance remarks: 若投标人以电汇或支票形式提交保证金,请提供如下信息(与开标一览表一同递交,供退还投标保证金用)If the bidder submits the security deposit in the form of wire transfer or check, please provide the following information (to be submitted together with the bid opening schedule for the purpose of refunding the bid security deposit) 公司名称:Company (***的名称)(Please fill in the name of the company submitting the deposit) 开户银行:Bank of Deposit (***的开户银行)(Please fill in the bank of deposit company) 帐号:Account Number (***的银行帐号)(Please fill in the bank account number of the margin submission company) 银行联查行号:Bank reference number (***的12位银行联查行号)(Please fill in the 12 digit bank reference number for submitting the margin company)
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