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马钢冷轧总厂新建6#热镀锌机组-退火炉设备 评标结果公示 项目名称:马钢冷轧总厂新建6#热镀锌机组-退火炉设备 招标项目编号***退火炉机械设备1)最大工艺段速度:GI按180m/min设计Al-Si 按150m/min设计。2)退火炉最大加热能力按2.5mm*70m/min,退火炉温度780℃设计。3)产能计算时不考虑汽车外板,但退火炉具备汽车外板生产能力。(2)电气仪表自动化和工业电视设备1)传动采用全数字式矢量控制和V/F控制、AC恒速控制的交流调速方式。2)自动化系统,采用高速可靠的网络系统,开放式的人机界面系统(HMI)。3)采用先进的、可靠的电加热设备。(3)其他技术参数详见招标文件(技术部分)。 招标机构:*** 招标人:*** 开标时间:***公示开始时间:***评标公示截止时间***:***中标候选人名单: 候选人排名 投标商名称 制造商 制造商国别***区 1 FIVES STEIN 联合体:法孚斯坦因冶金技术(上海)*** FIVES STEIN France 2 Primetals Technologies Japan株式会社 联合体:普锐特冶金技术(中国)*** Open consortium of Primetals Technologies Japan Ltd. and Primetals Technologies China Ltd. Japan China 投标人若有异议,请在中标候选人公示期内,按照以下联系方式向宝华招标提出异议,并附必要证明文件。(投标人应当以纸质书面形式、法定代表人或授权代表签字并加盖投标人公章,并附必要证明文件,向宝华招标提出异议)。联系电话:***,联系地址:***省马***市九***路8号马钢生产指挥中***楼1243室 (签名) (盖章) Evaluation Results Project Name:Maanshan Iron & Steel Company Limited New 6# CGL Project Annealing Furnace Equipment Bidding NO :***B0708 Bidding Content:(1)Mechanical equipment1)The max process speed: GI:180m/min Al-Si:150m/min.2)The maximum heating capacity of the annealing furnace is designed to be 2.5mm * 70m/min at 780 ℃.3)When calculating production capacity the outer panel sheet is not considered but the annealing furnace has the capacity to produce outer panels sheet.(2)Electrical instrument computer and ITV of annealing furnace1)The electrical drives adopts full digital vector control V/F control and AC constant speed control.2)The three-electric integrated automation system adopts a high-speed and reliable network system and an open human-machine interface system (HMI).3)Adopt advanced and reliable electric heating equipment.(3)Other technical parameters are detailed in the technical section of the bidding documents. Bidding Agency:Shanghai Baohua International Tendering 点击查看相关链接 Purchasers:Baosteel Engineering & Technology Group Co. Ltd. Open-Time of Bids:***Ending Date of Evaluation Result:***Who proposed the successful bidder: Rank Proposed Bid-winner Manufacturer Manufacturer Country 1 FIVES STEIN Joint bidder:FIVES STEIN metaLLURGICAL TECHNOLOGY (SHANGHAI) 点击查看相关链接. FIVES STEIN France 2 Primetals Technologies JapanLtd. Joint bidder:Primetals Technologies China Ltd. Open consortium of Primetals Technologies Japan Ltd. and Primetals Technologies China Ltd. Japan China If bidders have any objections please submit the complaint to Shanghai Baohua International Tendering Co. Ltd. together with the necessary evidentiary documents through below contact information during the publicity for the candidate of winning bidder. (Bidders should submit the objections to Baohua Bidding in written form and stamp the official seal of the bidder together with the necessary evidentiary documents).Tel***Address: Room1243No.8 Jiuhuaxilu Maanshan Anhui 点击查看相关链接 (签名) (盖章) 附件: 马钢冷轧总厂新建6#热镀锌机组-退火炉设备中标候选人公示.pdf


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