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发布时间 2024-10-14 截止日期 立即查看
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***市宏宇中学足球场翻新及附属工程改造合同公告 公告日期: 2024-10-14 采购合同编号***s additional "contents" div so that we can easilyuse the polymer sugar this.$.contents to get the height of all thecontent inside the cell; which is then used in the flowing algorithms 采购人(全称):***市宏宇中学(甲方) note: we use this additional "contents" div so that we can easilyuse the polymer sugar this.$.contents to get the height of all thecontent inside the cell; which is then used in the flowing algorithms 供应商(全称):***(乙方) note: we use this additional "contents" div so that we can easilyuse the polymer sugar this.$.contents to get the height of all thecontent inside the cell; which is then used in the flowing algorithms note: we use this additional "contents" div so that we can easilyuse the polymer sugar this.$.contents to get the height of all thecontent inside the cell; which is then used in the flowing algorithms 为了保护甲,乙双方合法权益,根据《中华人民共和国合同法》、《中华人民共和国政府采购法》及其他有关法律、法规、规章,双方签订本合同协议书。 note: we use this additional "contents" div so that we can easilyuse the polymer sugar this.$.contents to get the height of all thecontent inside the cell; which is then used in the flowing algorithms 项目信息 note: we use this additional "contents" div so that we can easilyuse the polymer sugar this.$.contents to get the height of all thecontent inside the cell; which is then used in the flowing algorithms 1、采购合同名称:***市宏宇中学足球场翻新及附属工程改造合同 note: we use this additional "contents" div so that we can easilyuse the polymer sugar this.$.contents to get the height of all thecontent inside the cell; which is then used in the flowing algorithms 2、采购项目名称:***市宏宇中学足球场翻新及附属工程改造 note: we use this additional "contents" div so that we can easilyuse the polymer sugar this.$.contents to get the height of all thecontent inside the cell; which is then used in the flowing algorithms 3、采购计划编号*** use this additional "contents" div so that we can easilyuse the polymer sugar this.$.contents to get the height of all thecontent inside the cell; which is then used in the flowing algorithms 4、采购方式:竞争性磋商 note: we use this additional "contents" div so that we can easilyuse the polymer sugar this.$.contents to get the height of all thecontent inside the cell; which is then used in the flowing algorithms 一、项目内容: note: we use this additional "contents" div so that we can easilyuse the polymer sugar this.$.contents to get the height of all thecontent inside the cell; which is then used in the flowing algorithms 1.铲除原足球场塑胶草皮。2.原水泥地面打磨。3.人工清理深水沟。4.自卸汽车运输。5.足球场地基板人造草三维弹性垫。6.铺设金刚砂塑胶颗粒。7.工艺线喷漆画线等附属配套工程。 note: we use this additional "contents" div so that we can easilyuse the polymer sugar this.$.contents to get the height of all thecontent inside the cell; which is then used in the flowing algorithms 二、合同金额***: we use this additional "contents" div so that we can easilyuse the polymer sugar this.$.contents to get the height of all thecontent inside the cell; which is then used in the flowing algorithms (1)合同金额***18***元 note: we use this additional "contents" div so that we can easilyuse the polymer sugar this.$.contents to get the height of all thecontent inside the cell; which is then used in the flowing algorithms 合同金额***万零壹仟***元零陆分 note: we use this additional "contents" div so that we can easilyuse the polymer sugar this.$.contents to get the height of all thecontent inside the cell; which is then used in the flowing algorithms (2)具体标的如下: note: we use this additional "contents" div so that we can easilyuse the polymer sugar this.$.contents to get the height of all thecontent inside the cell; which is then used in the flowing algorithms note: we use this additional "contents" div so that we can easilyuse the polymer sugar this.$.contents to get the height of all thecontent inside the cell; which is then used in the flowing algorithms 包号 note: we use this additional "contents" div so that we can easilyuse the polymer sugar this.$.contents to get the height of all thecontent inside the cell; which is then used in the flowing algorithms 供应商 note: we use this additional "contents" div so that we can easilyuse the polymer sugar this.$.contents to get the height of all thecontent inside the cell; which is then used in the flowing algorithms 商品名称 note: we use this additional "contents" div so that we can easilyuse the polymer sugar this.$.contents to get the height of all thecontent inside the cell; which is then used in the flowing algorithms 参数/技术说明 note: we use this additional "contents" div so that we can easilyuse the polymer sugar this.$.contents to get the height of all thecontent inside the cell; which is then used in the flowing algorithms 数量 note: we use this additional "contents" div so that we can easilyuse the polymer sugar this.$.contents to get the height of all thecontent inside the cell; which is then used in the flowing algorithms 单位 note: we use this additional "contents" div so that we can easilyuse the polymer sugar this.$.contents to get the height of all thecontent inside the cell; which is then used in the flowing algorithms 单价***: we use this additional "contents" div so that we can easilyuse the polymer sugar this.$.contents to get the height of all thecontent inside the cell; which is then used in the flowing algorithms 合同金额****e: we use this additional "contents" div so that we can easilyuse the polymer sugar this.$.contents to get the height of all thecontent inside the cell; which is then used in the flowing algorithms 1 note: we use this additional "contents" div so that we can easilyuse the polymer sugar this.$.contents to get the height of all thecontent inside the cell; which is then used in the flowing algorithms *** note: we use this additional "contents" div so that we can easilyuse the polymer sugar this.$.contents to get the height of all thecontent inside the cell; which is then used in the flowing algorithms ***市宏宇中学足球场翻新及附属工程改造 note: we use this additional "contents" div so that we can easilyuse the polymer sugar this.$.contents to get the height of all thecontent inside the cell; which is then used in the flowing algorithms 详见合同附件 note: we use this additional "contents" div so that we can easilyuse the polymer sugar this.$.contents to get the height of all thecontent inside the cell; which is then used in the flowing algorithms 1 note: we use this additional "contents" div so that we can easilyuse the polymer sugar this.$.contents to get the height of all thecontent inside the cell; which is then used in the flowing algorithms 项 note: we use this additional "contents" div so that we can easilyuse the polymer sugar this.$.contents to get the height of all thecontent inside the cell; which is then used in the flowing algorithms / note: we use this additional "contents" div so that we can easilyuse the polymer sugar this.$.contents to get the height of all thecontent inside the cell; which is then used in the flowing algorithms 7018***元 (3)合同价***价***ote: we use this additional "contents" div so that we can easilyuse the polymer sugar this.$.contents to get the height of all thecontent inside the cell; which is then used in the flowing algorithms 三、履行合同的时间、地点 note: we use this additional "contents" div so that we can easilyuse the polymer sugar this.$.contents to get the height of all thecontent inside the cell; which is then used in the flowing algorithms 合同履行日期:合同约定。 合同履行地点:采购人指定的地点。 note: we use this additional "contents" div so that we can easilyuse the polymer sugar this.$.contents to get the height of all thecontent inside the cell; which is then used in the flowing algorithms 四、付款方式: 工程款支付:发包方在合同签订后按合同规定施工时间,承包方进场开工;项目按合同内容翻新改造完成,竣工验收合格并经结算审计后支付至全部工程款的95%,工程质量保证金为工程总造价***修期满一年后若无质量问题一个月内一次性支付全额工程质量保证金。 note: we use this additional "contents" div so that we can easilyuse the polymer sugar this.$.contents to get the height of all thecontent inside the cell; which is then used in the flowing algorithms 五、解决合同纠纷方式: 首先通过双方协商解决,协商解决不成,则通过以下途径之一解决纠纷:( )提请仲裁(√)向人民法院提起诉讼 note: we use this additional "contents" div so that we can easilyuse the polymer sugar this.$.contents to get the height of all thecontent inside the cell; which is then used in the flowing algorithms 六、组成合同的文件 note: we use this additional "contents" div so that we can easilyuse the polymer sugar this.$.contents to get the height of all thecontent inside the cell; which is then used in the flowing algorithms 本协议书与下列文件一起构成合同文件,如下述文件之间有任何抵触、矛盾或歧义,应按以下顺序解释: note: we use this additional "contents" div so that we can easilyuse the polymer sugar this.$.contents to get the height of all thecontent inside the cell; which is then used in the flowing algorithms (1)在采购或合同履行过程中乙方作出的承诺以及双方协议达成的变更或补充协议 note: we use this additional "contents" div so that we can easilyuse the polymer sugar this.$.contents to get the height of all thecontent inside the cell; which is then used in the flowing algorithms (2)成交通知书 note: we use this additional "contents" div so that we can easilyuse the polymer sugar this.$.contents to get the height of all thecontent inside the cell; which is then used in the flowing algorithms (3)响应文件 note: we use this additional "contents" div so that we can easilyuse the polymer sugar this.$.contents to get the height of all thecontent inside the cell; which is then used in the flowing algorithms (4)政府采购合同格式条款及其附件 note: we use this additional "contents" div so that we can easilyuse the polymer sugar this.$.contents to get the height of all thecontent inside the cell; which is then used in the flowing algorithms (5)专用合同条款 note: we use this additional "contents" div so that we can easilyuse the polymer sugar this.$.contents to get the height of all thecontent inside the cell; which is then used in the flowing algorithms (6)通用合同条款(如果有) note: we use this additional "contents" div so that we can easilyuse the polymer sugar this.$.contents to get the height of all thecontent inside the cell; which is then used in the flowing algorithms (7)标准、规范及其有关技术文件,图纸,已标价***或预算书(如果有) note: we use this additional "contents" div so that we can easilyuse the polymer sugar this.$.contents to get the height of all thecontent inside the cell; which is then used in the flowing algorithms (8)其他合同文件。 note: we use this additional "contents" div so that we can easilyuse the polymer sugar this.$.contents to get the height of all thecontent inside the cell; which is then used in the flowing algorithms 七、合同生效 note: we use this additional "contents" div so that we can easilyuse the polymer sugar this.$.contents to get the height of all thecontent inside the cell; which is then used in the flowing algorithms 本合同自******月***日生效。 note: we use this additional "contents" div so that we can easilyuse the polymer sugar this.$.contents to get the height of all thecontent inside the cell; which is then used in the flowing algorithms 八、合同份数 note: we use this additional "contents" div so that we can easilyuse the polymer sugar this.$.contents to get the height of all thecontent inside the cell; which is then used in the flowing algorithms 本合同一式4份,甲方执2份,乙方执2份,具有同等法律效力。 note: we use this additional "contents" div so that we can easilyuse the polymer sugar this.$.contents to get the height of all thecontent inside the cell; which is then used in the flowing algorithms 合同订立时间:******月***日 note: we use this additional "contents" div so that we can easilyuse the polymer sugar this.$.contents to get the height of all thecontent inside the cell; which is then used in the flowing algorithms 九、合同主体 note: we use this additional "contents" div so that we can easilyuse the polymer sugar this.$.contents to get the height of all thecontent inside the cell; which is then used in the flowing algorithms note: we use this additional "contents" div so that we can easilyuse the polymer sugar this.$.contents to get the height of all thecontent inside the cell; which is then used in the flowing algorithms 甲方:***市宏宇中学 note: we use this additional "contents" div so that we can easilyuse the polymer sugar this.$.contents to get the height of all thecontent inside the cell; which is then used in the flowing algorithms 乙方:*** note: we use this additional "contents" div so that we can easilyuse the polymer sugar this.$.contents to get the height of all thecontent inside the cell; which is then used in the flowing algorithms note: we use this additional "contents" div so that we can easilyuse the polymer sugar this.$.contents to get the height of all thecontent inside the cell; which is then used in the flowing algorithms 法定代表人或委托代理人: note: we use this additional "contents" div so that we can easilyuse the polymer sugar this.$.contents to get the height of all thecontent inside the cell; which is then used in the flowing algorithms 法定代表人或委托代理人: 王飞 note: we use this additional "contents" div so that we can easilyuse the polymer sugar this.$.contents to get the height of all thecontent inside the cell; which is then used in the flowing algorithms note: we use this additional "contents" div so that we can easilyuse the polymer sugar this.$.contents to get the height of all thecontent inside the cell; which is then used in the flowing algorithms note: we use this additional "contents" div so that we can easilyuse the polymer sugar this.$.contents to get the height of all thecontent inside the cell; which is then used in the flowing algorithms 经办人:伍主任 note: we use this additional "contents" div so that we can easilyuse the polymer sugar this.$.contents to get the height of all thecontent inside the cell; which is then used in the flowing algorithms 经办人: note: we use this additional "contents" div so that we can easilyuse the polymer sugar this.$.contents to get the height of all thecontent inside the cell; which is then used in the flowing algorithms note: we use this additional "contents" div so that we can easilyuse the polymer sugar this.$.contents to get the height of all thecontent inside the cell; which is then used in the flowing algorithms note: we use this additional "contents" div so that we can easilyuse the polymer sugar this.$.contents to get the height of all thecontent inside the cell; which is then used in the flowing algorithms 统一社会信用代码: note: we use this additional "contents" div so that we can easilyuse the polymer sugar this.$.contents to get the height of all thecontent inside the cell; which is then used in the flowing algorithms 统一社会信用代码:*** note: we use this additional "contents" div so that we can easilyuse the polymer sugar this.$.contents to get the height of all thecontent inside the cell; which is then used in the flowing algorithms note: we use this additional "contents" div so that we can easilyuse the polymer sugar this.$.contents to get the height of all thecontent inside the cell; which is then used in the flowing algorithms note: we use this additional "contents" div so that we can easilyuse the polymer sugar this.$.contents to get the height of all thecontent inside the cell; which is then used in the flowing algorithms 地址:***省***市***区宏宇新城橡树湾潘***路(***路西) note: we use this additional "contents" div so that we can easilyuse the polymer sugar this.$.contents to get the height of all thecontent inside the cell; which is then used in the flowing algorithms 地址:***市***区竹***路180号天***区他城时代公寓B2004房 note: we use this additional "contents" div so that we can easilyuse the polymer sugar this.$.contents to get the height of all thecontent inside the cell; which is then used in the flowing algorithms note: we use this additional "contents" div so that we can easilyuse the polymer sugar this.$.contents to get the height of all thecontent inside the cell; which is then used in the flowing algorithms note: we use this additional "contents" div so that we can easilyuse the polymer sugar this.$.contents to get the height of all thecontent inside the cell; which is then used in the flowing algorithms 邮编:418000 note: we use this additional "contents" div so that we can easilyuse the polymer sugar this.$.contents to get the height of all thecontent inside the cell; which is then used in the flowing algorithms 邮编:410004 note: we use this additional "contents" div so that we can easilyuse the polymer sugar this.$.contents to get the height of all thecontent inside the cell; which is then used in the flowing algorithms note: we use this additional "contents" div so that we can easilyuse the polymer sugar this.$.contents to get the height of all thecontent inside the cell; which is then used in the flowing algorithms note: we use this additional "contents" div so that we can easilyuse the polymer sugar this.$.contents to get the height of all thecontent inside the cell; which is then used in the flowing algorithms 电话:***959 note: we use this additional "contents" div so that we can easilyuse the polymer sugar this.$.contents to get the height of all thecontent inside the cell; which is then used in the flowing algorithms 电话: note: we use this additional "contents" div so that we can easilyuse the polymer sugar this.$.contents to get the height of all thecontent inside the cell; which is then used in the flowing algorithms note: we use this additional "contents" div so that we can easilyuse the polymer sugar this.$.contents to get the height of all thecontent inside the cell; which is then used in the flowing algorithms note: we use this additional "contents" div so that we can easilyuse the polymer sugar this.$.contents to get the height of all thecontent inside the cell; which is then used in the flowing algorithms 签署日期: ***10 月***日 note: we use this additional "contents" div so that we can easilyuse the polymer sugar this.$.contents to get the height of all thecontent inside the cell; which is then used in the flowing algorithms 签署日期: ***10 月***日


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