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发布时间 2024-10-09 截止日期 立即查看
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***市中***区排水防涝提升工程监理 【广西壮族***区公共资源交易电子服务系统】 【信息时间:***】 【信息时间:***】 【15 】 【字号 大 中 小 】 ***市中***区排水防涝提升工程监理招标计划表 为了方便投标人及时了解招标信息,现将***市中***区排水防涝提升工程监理招标计划公告如下: note: we use this additional "contents" div so that we can easilyuse the polymer sugar this.$.contents to get the height of all thecontent inside the cell; which is then used in the flowing algorithms 项目名称 note: we use this additional "contents" div so that we can easilyuse the polymer sugar this.$.contents to get the height of all thecontent inside the cell; which is then used in the flowing algorithms ***市中***区排水防涝提升工程监理 note: we use this additional "contents" div so that we can easilyuse the polymer sugar this.$.contents to get the height of all thecontent inside the cell; which is then used in the flowing algorithms 招标人 note: we use this additional "contents" div so that we can easilyuse the polymer sugar this.$.contents to get the height of all thecontent inside the cell; which is then used in the flowing algorithms ***市城市管理局 note: we use this additional "contents" div so that we can easilyuse the polymer sugar this.$.contents to get the height of all thecontent inside the cell; which is then used in the flowing algorithms 招标内容 note: we use this additional "contents" div so that we can easilyuse the polymer sugar this.$.contents to get the height of all thecontent inside the cell; which is then used in the flowing algorithms 对***市中***区排水防涝提升工程的主要建设范围为将军***区排水防涝、桃源排洪河整治、江***区市政排水防涝、光***道排水防涝、城区雨污分流错混接改造、修复和清淤工程,建设内容为排水工程、土石方工程、管道清淤工程等相关配套基础设施的监理服务。 note: we use this additional "contents" div so that we can easilyuse the polymer sugar this.$.contents to get the height of all thecontent inside the cell; which is then used in the flowing algorithms 估算***元) note: we use this additional "contents" div so that we can easilyuse the polymer sugar this.$.contents to get the height of all thecontent inside the cell; which is then used in the flowing algorithms 200 note: we use this additional "contents" div so that we can easilyuse the polymer sugar this.$.contents to get the height of all thecontent inside the cell; which is then used in the flowing algorithms 计划招标时间 note: we use this additional "contents" div so that we can easilyuse the polymer sugar this.$.contents to get the height of all thecontent inside the cell; which is then used in the flowing algorithms ******月 note: we use this additional "contents" div so that we can easilyuse the polymer sugar this.$.contents to get the height of all thecontent inside the cell; which is then used in the flowing algorithms 备注:以上招标计划内容仅作为潜在投标人提前了解招标人初步招标安排的参考,项目实际内容以招标人最终发布的招标公告和招标文件***。 招标人:***市城市管理局 ******月***日


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